Tuesday, October 28, 2014



The silent thoughts of a heavy heart
The sadness, as if greater than the weight of the earth
Tamed to follow logic
Lost among the clouds of right and wrong

Forces undeniable tearing at both ends
Killing the life out of every living cell
Besieged by an ever growing silence
Like the clouds moving through the skies, windless

In deep sympathy I lay
Forgetting everything I said and feared to say
The life forms unimaginable
With beauty and callousness beyond comprehension

The sorrow that I cannot express
For fear that it might leave my heart

The sound of thunder I do hear
No denying the outcome

Little pebbles under the water
Expressions lost among the sound of the stream

The heart a magical metamorphosis of emotions
Beating a constant rhythm

Distance thunder yet so near

Thursday, October 9, 2014

The leaves of autumn

I wrote this poem on the way to Paris from Boston.  It had been brewing in my mind for quite a while, maybe 2 or 3 weeks but finally found the words.

The leaves of autumn

The leaves of autumn past
Fell all around me
Brownish, yellowish, greenish, tinted
A season had come to pass
Nothing alive in its wake
                Or so it seems

The seasons pass away
Of sleeping and waking
And sleeping and waking

The leaves fall
Swept by the wind
New growth unnatural in beauty
Lasting an hour or so
                Or so it seems

We struggle to reach our destiny
The time passing in a chaotic rhythm
                Or so it seems

Little pieces of gold and silver
Laid in our path full of mud and muck
And more mud and muck
                Or so it seems

The why, the what, the how, the when and the where
Unite in the drudgery of our struggle
                Or so it seems

The struggle of birth,
The challenge of death,
And the agony of resurrection
Three concepts, foreign and unknown to us
Touted by some, mocked by others and still, as if never mentioned

Praises given to the struggle of birth,
And sorrow, deep sorrow given to death
But is the celebrated birth bigger than the feared death
                So it seems

Three passages,
Dark to light,
Light to dark
And then who knows
                Or so it seems

What we leave behind is a memory for a generation or two
Our graves buried deeper
For more graves to cover it
Making room for more dead

Is the challenge of death a seed planted for the agony of resurrection?
As some claim
Or a deep sleep non-existent, unnatural
Our folly leads us to our foolish path
                Or so it seems

All relative to some,
Yet absolute to others
                Or so it seems

The right made wrong
The wrong made right
With a signature of the pen
I did not break any laws
And who cares about morals
When we have laws
                Or so it seems

About morality,
He says
I have none
I follow the laws I enacted
And to morals I say be gone
                Or so it seems

The leaves of autumn fall around me
Brownish, yellowish, greenish, tinted
A season has come to pass
And I look forward to a new beginning

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


I wrote this many years ago when I was in the seventh grade.  One of the few poems I found from back then.  A friend had a copy of the school's literary magazine which had this poem in it.


Bulbs in the sky
And I
Walked in the dark

Friday, October 3, 2014

Poetry in Motion 2

This is a recent write, summer of 2014

Poetry in motion,

The mind wondered around the bend
The sound followed clear and monotonous
The image did not make it around the corner
Shielding its true self, showing only particles of light

The mind waited for the image
And growing tired, launched into image imagination
Day dreaming the possible and the impossible
Debating the good and the bad

The real image refused to come around
Governed by laws set in nature
The mind ever so bold
Created a new image, and forgot …

Thursday, September 18, 2014


I wrote this many years ago after hiking Mount Washington and experiencing one of the worst storms during summer.  I think a tornado was reported on the mountain, which would be a rare event.  So this was probably in the 1980ies.


A top a mountain I sat, six thousand feet high
On the rocks, as I hung my clothes to dry,
I noticed a beautiful flower nearby
On it, sat a colorful butterfly

It was early in the day
It was spring in late May

I climbed the biggest rock I could find
There was a view that would never leave my mind

On the right, the ravine was steep
In front, was the ridge, that in my mind I would keep
On the left, lay the valley, green and deep

Down the ravine I looked, and smiled with delight
I could be a great eagle in flight
Long I looked, and I was awed by the sight.

The ridge ran mile after mile
It reminded me of the lengthy Nile
Slender and long it stretched with style

The valley was watery and green
A gushing stream ran in between
Such beauty I had never seen

Slowly I sat down and lowered my head
Long ago myself I should have fed

It was noon and the sun was high
Blue as the sea was the clear sky

On a dry piece of bread I chewed
I looked down and I was amused
There, a colony of ants I viewed
They were all for some reason queued.


Rested and strong I got up on my feet,
Packed my clothes nice and neat
There was the flower exposed to the heat
The butterfly, had left its majestic seat

The sky turned dark and gray
On the mountain side the heavy clouds lay

Beside a rock I had to huddle
Under my feet was already a puddle...

The cold I could no longer bear
In my ears the wind I could hear
The lightning, it was so very near

I wrapped my clothes and my body shivered
Around me the fresh grass had withered

From the wind I tried to hide
It came to me from every side
In my place I did abide

The lightning was strong and bright
I was scared by the flashing light
It turned darkness into daylight

The elements of nature kept me in fear
But with patience the storm I did bear

The sky cleared slowly
The ridge I could see barely

Against the rock I huddled and prayed
Many times my chances of survival I weighed
For a long time there I laid
Finally, the rock goodbye I bade.


I got up feeling cold and weary
Of the mountain I was afraid and leery
There was the flower, rooted, but looking dreary
The butterfly had flown to a greener prairie

The sky was crawling with the night
The storm had let up, and gave up the fight

I edged my way down the trail
My legs felt cold and frail

My body was wet and weak
The ground with water did leak
The night on the day was about to peak

The storm made me feel small and humbled
Slowly down the path I stumbled
To balance myself, for rocks my hands fumbled

The ground was wet and felt like clay
Many times as I stepped, it gave way
But I trudged on without delay

The night slowly planted its seed
On the day it started to feed
I could see it grow with speed

I reached the bottom of the trail
Feeling small, weak, and frail

But the mountain power I had tamed
And some sort of confidence I had gained

Like the flower, rooted I wanted to be
But stronger, maybe like a tree
How clearly I could see
Like the butterfly, roaming I would be